of Thomas Marshall herewith sent you apprehended for Muti-
nous and seditious speeches practices and attempts against
his Ldsp and him close and safely keepe bound in Irons soe
that you have him before his Ldsps Justices of the Provinciall
Court at the next Provinciall Court to be holden at the City of
St Maries. Whereof faile not at your perill and for soe doe-
ing this shall be your warrant. Dated at St Maries the first
day of March in the Seaventh yeare of the Dominion of the
Rt honble Charles &c. Annoq Dmi 1681:
To Major Wm Boareman high sheriff Signed p ordr
of St Maries County or his p J Llewellin Cl Consil.
Ordered also that summons issue to the Sheriff of Charles
County for John Brooke to appeare next Court to give Evi-
dence against the Prisoner viz.
By the Lord Propry & Councill
Maryland ss :
You are hereby willed and Required to summon John
Brooke of your County, that all excuses sett apart he be and
personally appeare before his Ldspps Justices of the Provinciall
Court at the next Provinciall Court to be holden for this Prov-
ince at the City of St. Maries then and there to testifye and
give in Evidence the truth of his knowledge in behalf of the
Rt honble the Ld Propry against Thomas Marshall also of your
County. Whereof he is not to faile at his perill Dated the
first day of March in the Seaventh yeare of the Dominion of
the Rt honble Charles &ca Annoq Dmi 1681 :
To Coll Wm Chandler high Signed p ordr
Sheriff of Charles County p J Llewellin Cl Consil.
or his Deputy
Ordered also that Philip Coomes John Pembroke and John
Bracher give Recogniza in the summe of twenty pounds sterl
each to appeare next Prov" Court to testifye against Thomas
Marshall, wch accordingly they did in manner foll viz
Maryld. ss:
Memdu Philip Coombes, John Pembroke, and John Bracher
acknowledge themselves to be holden and firmely bounden
unto the Rt honble Charles Lord Baltemore Lord Propry of this
Province of Maryland in the full and just summe of Twenty
pounds sterling each of them to be leavyed of their goods and