God will give me the grace as to declare the same, soe long
as he lives that is
subscribed viz. Rt honble Sr
To the Rt honble the Lord Propry Your humblest & ffaithfull
humbly Present subject & Servant
This Philip Lynes
p Edmund Dermott.
Underneath which Letter was thus written viz.
22th Febry 1681
The Chancelor is Desired to Command the Clk of the
Councill John Llewellin to draw warrant for the apprehend-
ing Thomas Marshall of Charles County to appeare the first
day the next Prov" Court afore the Councill also summons for
John Bracher, John Pembroke, Philip Coomes, by the above
*John Brooke Letter, there is mention made of two persons
one should named John Bracher* but for the certainty thereof
be the Chancelor may send to St Johns for Diermott
To Mr George Buttler. C: Baltemore
Wherevpon issued these following precepts to the Sheriff of
Charles County viz.