Liber R.
in his Office; yett the said Edward Inglish did upon some
slight and frivolous pretences, much contrary to the Countyes
consent interpose another Deputy named Evan Carew a person
being a Stranger in the said County, and not either sworne or
knowne to be the high Sheriffes Deputy did occasion some
disturbance when he did assume the executing of his Office
upon a poore honest man that did in some manner presume
to question his Authority, yett when Complaint was made to
your Ldps Commissionrs of yor County of Caecill, of the abuse
proffered to the said under Sheriff, they were ready to redress
the same by takeing order to have the Offendor duely pun-
ished. But the said Edward Inglish (as since it doth appeare)
would not be soe satisfied but being of a turbulent spirit and
seekeing the utter ruine of the poor man, hath by warrant
from the honble Chancelor bound him to answer the same at
the next Prov" Court, although order was taken for the pun-
ishmt of him in the County Court; The said Edward Inglish
also by Information to his Honor the Chancelor obteined a
warrt against One of your Ldsps Justices of your County of
Csecil, and also against the Clark of the same County which
said warrt the sd Edward Inglish as high Sheriff did execute
upon the said partyes at a very unseasonable time which was
on a Court day in the morning, and just as the Court was
ready to sitt in the face of the whole County, giveing out
severall proud expressions, that he would make them know
themselves, Whereupon the Court being soe disabled all
Actions then depending were forced to fall and Dye to the
greate Damage of severall of your Ldsps good people of that
County, which was occasioned by noe other meanes but the
Imperious and Malitious Acting of the said Edward Inglish,
and on purpose because there should be noe Court, he the sd
Edward Inglish haveing severall Actions against him for very
considerable summes of money, at the suite of ffrancis Har-
mar Mrchant and others. The said Edward Inglish also the
p. 287
day before the Court gave out speeches to the same effect
that there should be noe Court.
Your Petr therefore humbly crave your Ldsp to take their
aggreviances into due consideration, and that your Ldspp would
be pleased to favour your County with some other person,
whom your Ldsp may think better qualified for the Office of
high Sheriff of your County of Caecil.
And your Petrs as in duty bound shall ever pray &c.