Appendix to Council Proceedings, 1681 -85/6. 48 1
At a Genll Court held the
20o Aprill 1687.
His Excellency.
Nath: Bacon Esqr Coll. Jno Custis
Mr Secretr Spencer Coll.Jno Page
Coll. Wm Cole Coll Jno Lear
Coll. Richd Lee Coll: Chr Wormeley
Coll. Geo: Talbot haveing this Day made his appearance
before his Excy. & Councill & with all humility on his bended
knees humbly presented to the Court then sitting his Majts
most gracious Pardon for the felony by him Comitted on the
Body of Chr Rousby of Maryland Esqr & humbly prayed that
the sd pardon might be read in Court & allowed of wch the
Court with all Honour to his Majts most gracious pardon to
the sd Coll. Geo. Talbot ordd to be read & recorded for the
Benefit of him the sd Coll: Geo: Talbot after which his Excy.
was pleased by a Grave & serious admonition to move the sd
Coll. George Talbot to a hearty and thorough Repentance of
the great offence against God almighty & by a future peace-
able & quiet Good behaviour & demeanour to testify his true
& hearty sence of his Majts Grace & favour unto him.
Copia Test. C C. Thacker Cl Gen Cur Virga
[Pardon of George Talbot.]
JACOBUS secundus Dei gratia Angliae Scotise Franciae et
Hiberniee Rex fidei Defensor &c. Olbus ad quos prsesentes
Literae nrse perveniant Sltm. Cum ad Generalem Curiam
tent, apud James City in Colonia nra. de Virginia in America
vicesimo die Aprilis jam ulto praesent. quidem Georgius Talbot
nuper de Colonia nra. de Maryland in America praedict.
Armiger triatus et convictus et Superind. attaintus et con-
demnat. fuerit, de et pro morte et felonica interfectione cujus-
dam Christopheri Rousby put p Recordum inde in Curia nra.
remaner. plenius Libet. Sciatis modo quod nos pietate moti
de gratia nra. speciali ac ex certa scientia et mero motu nris.
Pardonavimus Relaxavimus et Remisimus ac p psentes pro
nobis hseredibus et successoribus nris Pardonamus Relaxamus
et Remittimus prsefato Georgio Talbot seu quocunq. alio
nomine vel cognomine seu additione nominis Cognominis
artis Loci aut misterij idem Georgius Talbot censeatur vocetr
seu nuncupetur aut nuper censebatur vocabatur seu nuncupa-
batur, mortem homicidium felonicam interfection. necem et
occisionem pfat. Chrs Rousbie p pfat. Georgius Talbot modo