To wch it was answered by the Court that the fact was
Cofnitted in another Governmt & a distinct propriety from this
& that this tryall had been according to the Lawes & Cus-
tomes of this Colony for the Indictmt had been found by the
Grand Jury for the whole Body of the Colony of Virginia
The Court then Demanded of the prisoner whether he had any
more points to Argue in Law the prisoner replyed noe more
the Court thereupon ordr the prison to be taken from the Bar.
& Cofnitted to the Sheriff's safe Custody.
[Verdict of the Jury.]
Virginia &c
The Jurrors for our Soveraigne Lord the King upon their
oathes present That George Talbot late of his Majts Province
of Maryland Gentl not haveing the fear of God before his
Eyes but being moved & seduced by the Instigation of the
Divel the one & Thirtieth day of October in the Thirtieth six
year of the Reign of our late Soveraign Lord King Charles
the second of Engld Scotland ffrance Ireland & Virga Defender
of the faith &c. and in the yeare of our Lord God One Thou-
sand six hundred Eighty & four with force & Armes &c. and
against the Peace of our sd Soveraign Lord the King On board
his Majts Ketch The Quaker rideing within the Capes of Vir-
ginia within his Majts Dominions of America in & upon one
Christopher Rousby Gentl in peace with God & our sd Sover-
aign Lord the King Then & there being. The aforesd Xpher
Rousby not haveing any weapon drawn and the sd Christopr
Rousby not haveing first stricken the aforesd George Talbott
feloniously an assault did make and that the aforesd George
Talbot with a certaine dagger made of Iron & Steele of the
Value of one shilling which he the sd George Talbot in his
right hand then & there had & held the same aforesaid, The
sd Chr: Rousby then & there not haveing any weapon drawn,
And the aforesd Chr Rousby then & there not haveing first
stricken The aforesd George Talbot feloniously then & there in
& upon the right breast the sd Chr Rousby did stabb & Thrust
giveing to him the said Christopher Rousby then & there with
the Dagger aforesd in manner aforesd one deadly wound in &
upon the right breast aforesd of Chr Rousby aforesd of wch sd
Deadly wound the sd Chr Rousby then & there Instantly dyed,
and so the Jurrors aforesd say upon their oathes that the aforesd
George Talbot the aforesd Christopr Rousby the aforesd one &
Thirtieth day of October in the yeare aforesd on board the
Ketch aforesd in manner & forme aforesd feloniously did Kill
agst The Peace of our sd Soveraign Lord the King his Crown
& Dignity and against the forme of the statute in such Cases
made & provided
Billa Vera. Copia Test C C Thacker Cl Gen Cur.