to putt the scale again into the custody of the said Bonner,
till your Honrs further ordr which shall be pformed with all
alacrity & Submission, by
Your Honrs most humble Servants.
To the honble Coll Thomas ffrancis
Wm Digges & Majr Nicho: Richard Hill
Sewall principll Secrys Henry HR Ridgely .
of Maryland Richard Beard .
Present. John Sellers
Henry Constable
Thomas Tench
John Hammond
The result whereof passed into this foll ordr (viz)
Downes ffrancis Clk of A. Arrdll County Court.
By the Councill ffebry 24th 1685
Ordered that Henry Bonner late Clk of Anne Arrund"
County doe with all speed pfect the records of the said
County Court; and that all the ffees profitts and pquisites of
the Clks place of the said County ariseing from last January
Court for the sd County, be payable and made good to Mr
ffrancis Downes now Clk of the sd County, by the severall
psons from whom the same are due.
Signed by ordr
J Llewellin Cl Consil
Richd Boughton motion cone: Clks place.
Came Richard Boughton gentl late Clk of Charles County,
and humbly mooves the board to understand that haveing
applyed himself to the honble Majr Nicholas Sewall one of his
Lsps Principll Secrys for the renewment of his Comission he
was ordered to make his address to this board concerning the
Cec: Butler motion cone: Clk's place.
Came also Cecil Butler gentl late Clk of Calvert County
and humbly offers to their honors consideration that his Lsp:
heretofore being graciously pleased to require the honble the