5: They likewise Desire that they may have a house built
at the flails of Susquehannoh River and that they may have
the liberty of trade with the English when they come downe,
and if any English are Desirous to goe to their Countrey they
shall be safely conducted.
Presented 4 Skinns.
6: That they are now goeing after the Pascattoway
Indians, and Desire the English not to feare any thing for
they will not molest them and since as they have brought the
Pascattoways heads to be as small as a finger they will now
see if they cann make an end of them; They heare likewise
that the Eastern Shore Indians are Desirous of a Warr, which
if they be lett them begin, and they will make end and Drive
them out of the neck that they shall never disturb the English
Presented 4 Drest Skinns.
7: And whereas there is one more Belt of Peake pre-
sented it is on this Accot The one half that whereas by
information of the prisoners they took last winter, that the
English had lent the Pascattoways 40 Gunns to hunt withall
wch they now vse in the warr they Desire they may be called
in: The other half is that whereas they have returned all
the Prisoners they have taken, the English should likewise
returne all the Susquesahannohs Prisoners which are amongst
Presented 4 Drest Skinns.
8: They Desire the English to assure themselves that
their greate men will be downe in the Spring to confirm what
they have done, they likewise Desire that the Pascattoways
may not know of their comeing downe upon them, and in
pursuance of these requests have sent downe two of their
Indians to receive an answer from my Lord that they may
informe the rest at their returne to their ffort which they
intend to build by the Pascattoways, and that Jacob Young
may accompany them thereto to Satisfie the whole troope.
Which Articles being read: they proceed to Examination of
Jacob Young and the two Indians that came downe with him.
Jacob Young acquaints the board that some of the Northern
Indians told him that the last time their troopes were downe
and lay before the Pascattoway Indians ffort the Pascattoways
told them that it was long of the English they did not goe
along with them for they were inclined to goe with them but
the English would not lett them.
By ordr from his Lspp and Councill Jacob Young Demands
of the Indians where their party may be and where we may
come to speake wth them.