And to this my demand I expect your ready pformance and
complyance upon your allegiance to his Majtie as likewise in
service to your noble Lord to whom I will alwaies study to
approove my self, as also to you Gent.
To the honrd Wm Digges a very humble Servant
Esqr and the rest of the Effingham
honred Council of Maryland
with care
Ordered that an answer be drawne up by the Clerk to be
sent his Lsp adviseing him that this Governmt cannot conceive
themselves obleiged to comply with his Lsps demand in deliv-
ering up Coll Talbott, but are willing and desirous to waite
his Majties Comands concerning him without further process,
and desire the favour of his Lsp to communicate to them the
certainty of the late news concerning his Majties death in ordr
to govern themselves accordingly.
Ordered that the Sheriff of St Maries County take to him a
guard of twelve able select men well armed and provided for
the better secureing and safe keepeing of his prisoner Coll
George Talbott dureing the Court, and that the said prisoner
be confined to his roome onely.