The Indians much urge for an answer in Seaven daies, for
by that time all their greate men will be come together as
they say.
To the Honble Coll Thomas Taylor or Coll
Wm Burges Esqr These,
hast post haste for the Lord Proprys and
Countreys Service
George Wells.
Ordered that Majr Nicholas Sewall give notice to the Pas-
cattoway Indians that they send their greate men to meete
with Coll Thomas Taillor, and Coll Henry Darnall on Munday
next being the 13th of this instant Aprill at Coll George Wells
his house in Baltemore County
Henry Bonner Clk Counl
Memdu the honble Coll Thomas Taillor & Coll Henry
Darnall together with Coll Henry Coursey having accordingly
mett with and had conference with the Sinnico Indians The
following Articles were concluded on and ordered to be
recorded in Councill booke viz.