said Lawes or Acts relateing to the advancemt of Trade, and
raiseing of Townes within this Province be with all vigour and
strictness observed, and the transgressors thereof seveerely
prosecuted, and that all such psons as shall at any time after
the publishing this Proclamation prsume to report or any way
publish or declare that the Governmt is indifferent in the
advancemt of Trade or propagateing of Townes according to
the sd Act, or that the designe thereof will fall, shall be
psecuted against and punished as Divulgers of false news;
And it is further declared that the Sheriff of each respective
County in this Province doe cause this Proclamation to be read
and published in the most publick & convenient places within
their precincts, and that all psons whatsoever doe take due
cognizance thereof.
Given at the City of St Maries under the greate Seale of the
sd Province of Maryland this sixth day of March in the Tenth
yeare of his Lsps Dominion &c. Annoq Dmi One thousand
Six hundred Eighty and ffour
Ordered that Capta John Osbourne of Somrsett County pro-
ceed to survey lands within the bounds limitted in his Comis-
sion from Coll George Talbott late Surveyr Genll of this
Province and make returne of his Certificates thereof as form-
erly untill May Court next and then that both he and Majr
Thomas Taylor of Dorchester County be and psonally appeare
both of them before this board, in ordr to the limitting and
ascertaineing of their Commissions, and setting forth each mans
bounds and precincts.
Ordered also that in the meane time the said Majr Taylor
and Samuel Cooper of Sommersett County proceed likewise
in surveying of lands according to their Commissions from the
sd Coll George Talbott, and returning their Certificates thereof
to the Depties Lievts upon the conditions & tearmes in their sd
Commissions mentioned untill May Court next, and then their
bounds to be more certainly assigned them.
Lib. R. R. R.
p. 213