346 Proceedings of the Council of Maryland, 1681-85/6.
Lib. R. R. R. At a Councill held at the City of S'Maries the 27th day of
ffebry Anno Dmi 1684:
The honble
Coll Thomas Taillor
Coll Henry Darnall
Coll Wm Burges
Majr Nicholas Sewall
Majr Thomas Trueman
The Sheriff according to his precept, hath before this board
Roger Skreene, and Richard Keene, And the said Richard
Keene being Examined saith
That when he first mett with Roger Skreene in Hungar
River, he asked him he came thither, the said Roger answered
he was putt ashoare at Mr Henry Hoopers, He the Examint
then asked him where Madm Talbott was, he answered she
was gone up the Bay home to her owne house, This Exami-
nant further asked him how he expected to have his pay, He
answered he was to have it of Coll Darnall and Majr Sewall or
one of them, and that Madm Talbott had promised him a hhd
of Tobacco more then Ordinary to putt ashoare at Hoopers
Island, The Deponent then enquired of him what news of
Coll Talbott, To wch he replyed that he had not been within
Twenty miles of him, neither knew he anything of him, but
falling into further discourse he sayed he knew the Coll would
never come to a tryall, The Examinant asked him how he
p. 188 knew that for he must of necessity come to a tryall though he
were pardoned afterwards, The said Roger replied he did
know it, and neither man woman nor Child should know it,
but those that knew it already.
The said Richard Keene is dismissed, and the said Roger
At a Councill held at the City of St Maries the second day
of March Anno Dmi. 1684:
Coll Thomas Taillor
Coll Vincent Lowe
The honble J Coll Henry Darnall Present
Coll Wm Digges
Coll Wm Stevens
Majr Nicholas Sewall
To the honble the Depties and Commission" by his Lspp:
appointed under the honble Benedict Leonard Calvert Esqr his
Ltt Genll and chiefe Governr of this Province