Proceedings of the Council of Maryland, 1681-85/6. 327
vse upon the late unhappy accident of the murder of Mr Chris-
topher Rousby his Majties Collector here. Whereupon it is
thought most safe, and resolved that for want of such officer
and untill his Majtie or the Chiefe Officers of his Customs in
England shall otherwise provide and Direct, The honble Coll
William Digges, Majr Nicholas Sewall, Coll William Stevens
and others his Ldsps Collectors or other Officers Authorised to
Enter and Cleare Shipps and other Vessells here within this
Province and to Collect his Ldsps duties for the same doe also
take most effectuall and diligent care to secure for his Majties
Dues Duties and customs that shall or may arise or become
due to his sd Majtie from any shipp or vessell tradeing here
upon the severall acts of Parliamt of England in such case
made and provided within their severall and respective pre-
cincts according to the following Order thereupon drawne up
and passed (viz)
Lib. R. R. R.
p. 167
By the Depties Lievetenants & Councill
Maryld ss: Decemb. 3d 1684
This board according to their bounden duty haveing taken
into their serious consideration the preservation and promo-
tion of his Majties service and Interest in this Province, to which
without due care taken, there may at prsent possibly seeme to
be some Impediment (occasioned by the late unhappy and
untimely death of Mr Christopher Rousby Collectors of all and
singular his Majties Dues Duties and customs due and payable
here according to the severall Acts of Parliament of England
in such case made and provided) And to the End that the
same and every part thereof may still be duely collected and
received, and that his Majesty in this juncture may in noe
wise be defrauded of his duties and customes for want of such
Officer as aforesd It was considered by this board this day
and ordered that the honble Coll William Digges, Major
Nicholas Sewall and Coll William Stevens, and all others his
Lsps Collectors or other Officers now already, or hereafter to
be appointed to Enter and Cleare shipps and other vessells in
any the Ports or harbours within this Province take especiall
and diligent care sufficiently to secure for his Majties vse such
Duties and customs as shall or may become payable upon any
the Acts aforesaid from any shipp or vessell, shipps or vessells
wch shall Enter or cleare with such Collector or Collectors as
aforesaid at the time of Entring and Cleareing such shipp or
vessell as aforesaid by such waies and meanes as in such cases
formerly hath been used, untill such time as some other pro-
vision therein shall be made by his Majtie or the Chiefe Officers
of his Customes in England by Establishing such Officer or