296 Proceedings of the Council of Maryland, 1681-85/6.
Lib. R. R. R.
Coll Henry Coursey & Capt Wm Lawrence Report upon
the whole matter
Wee haveing considered and duely weighed every Evidence
on both sides, upon mature deliberation doe give our Report;
That the said Letter sent by Mrs Tovey unto Mr Robert Car-
vile is a very abusive and scandalous Letter, and Indited by
some evill Neighbour for the said Mrs Tovey, to the Intent to
blast and destroy the good name fame and reputation of the
said Majr Ringold; and That there was not any thing of fraud
p. 136
or ill meaneing intended or any way acted by sd Major Ringold;
but what was June at the house of M" Tovey on the day of the
said Toveys death, was onely, and to noe other Intent or end
by any then prsent but onely for the good of Mr Toveys
Children in England
In Testimony of what is here presented and r-eported, Wee
the said Henry Coursey and William Lawrence doe humbly
present to your Lsp and Councill, and in Testimony of the
same have sett our hands and Scales this 2oth day September
Annoq Dmi: 1684:
Henry Coursey scale
Wm x Lawrence scale
Memdu Coppy of the Letter sent to Mr Carvile attested by
the Register of the Commissary's Office, was at the same time
returned with the foregoeing proceedings Examinations and
report made by Coll Henry Coursey and Capt Wm Lawrence
and is as foll (viz:)
Anne Tovey to Robt Carvile Lre:
Die Saturny 29o Xbris
Mr Carvile
Sr I am sueing for Letters of Adminrcon on the Estate of
Mr Samuel Tovey my deed: husband, and I humbly crave yo
assistance in Governing the same, & likewise your assis-
tance in any other causes that I shall have depending
in the Provinciall Court; Sr I have been since his
death, also soe lately very much abused, ffor on the
Seaventeenth day of October last being the day of his
death, and before he was Stript, Majr Ringold Commanded a
sight of all the goods which were in the house, and said that
if I would not deliver the keys of the Chests and Trunkes, and
the key of one Roome called the Stoare, that then as he was a
Justice of the peace, and his Sonn in Law a Constable, he
would give him a warrant to breake open the same, upon wch