place to place as he requested, but towards day the said
Tovey called for your petr and desired that one other of the
Justices might be sent for to proove his Accompts (those parts
which he himself had kept) touching his Ordinary, which was
done; and at nine of the Clock thereabouts came severall
neighbours to see him, and some upon other business, he still
being sensible, and knew them all, and spake to them all as
they came to him, but some time after he desired to be turned
on his other side, and then departed this life, At which time
Edward Swettnam with other assistance helped to lay him
forth for his funerall and some time after the said Swettnam
with the rest were all of opinion that there was a will by him
made in the house, as also two Chests of goods in the Store
loft, and also that there was money in the house, such a report
being given (long before his marriage with his last wife) by
one William Key who had tended the said Tovey in his
former sickness; the summe being said to be two hundred
pounds sterling; upon which consideration, and for that he
haveing two Children in England, the said Swettnam with the
rest desired your petr to ask the widow to give leave to looke
for a will in the places aforesaid, which she was not willing to
doe at first, but afterwards consented; but nothing of the
premisses was found, but one large bright key that there was
Lib. R. R. R.
noe lock to; which gave some suspition, upon wch occasion
she the said Anne Tovey hath invented and exhibited a scan-
dalous Libell against your Petr in the Office for probate of
wills &c. which said libell could not be exhibited without the
assistance of others.
The prmisses considered your petr humbly prayes your Lsp:
that a Commission may be granted to Coll Henry Coursey
with some other Justice or Justices of the peace to examine
the said Anne Tovey concerning the aforesaid matters, and to
have inspection into the p'misses that your pef may be
releived in the same, and that Justice may be done therein
according to the Lawes of this Province in that case made.
Wch petition was thus subscribed (viz.)
The petition is granted by
C: Baltemore
accordingly issued the foll Commission (viz)
Com™ to Coll. Coursey Capt. Wm Lawrence, & Mr Wm ffrisby
to Examine int. Ringold & Tovey.
Maryld ss:
Charles Absolute Lord and Propry of the Provinces of
Maryland & Avalon Lord Baron of Baltemore &c. To
Coll Henry Coursey of Talbott County, Captn William
Lawrence, and Mr William ffrisby of Kent County
p. 78