George Talbot of Cecill County in the province of Maryland
Esqr Wee being well assured of your rare honesty and Cir-
cumspeccon and greate skill Judgemt & vnderstanding in the
Art of surveying & laying out of lands, Have thought fitt
And doe by this our Comission Impower you the said George
Talbot to be our Surveyor Generall of our said province of
Maryland (Calvert County onely excepted) which by a perti
culer Comission wee have thought fitt to Impower Robert
Jones of the said County to be Depty Surveyor of) Together
with all fees Reguards vailes proffitts perquisites & advan-
tages to the same belonging or any waies apperteyning To
have & to hold the said office of Generall Surveyor to him the
said George Talbot or his sufficient Depty & Deputies
Together with all proffitts & advantages (except what is afore
excepted) to the same belonging as aforesaid vntill wee our
heires or successors or Capt Generall for the time being shall
signifie our or their pleasure to the Contrary. Provided
alwayes the said George Talbot doe observe follow & punctu-
ally execute all such direccons Instruccons & powers as wee our
heires or successors or Capt Generall for the time being shall
at any time thinke fitt to have executed in relacon to the office
hereby given you the said George Talbot Hereby revoaking a
Comission formerly graunted to Vincent Lowe Esqr for the
place of Generall Surveyor Given vnder our hand & greate
scale of our said province this Eighth day of November in the
Eighth yeare of our Dominion over our said province of Mary-
land Annoq Dmi 1683.
I George Talbot doe sweare that I will truely and faithfully
serve the Rt honble the Lord propry in the office & place of his
Lorpps Generall Surveyor and in all things relating to that
office I will doe his Lorpp & all the good people of his Prov-
ince right according to my best skill Judgemt & Vnder-