They Desired a coppy of the answer to their propositions we
said we would give it them in writeing when we mett the next
day, soe parted friendly. Wee went that night to Captn
29th On Monday Morning we went to Zachaja house to
receive the Sinniquos answer according to their promise ;
Captn Brandt who had continued there all night acquainted us
that there were a greate many Gunns shott in the night.
We sent to the Northern Indians ffort for their greate men
to come to us according to their appointmt the Messengers
return'd & told us there were none in the ffort; Wee sent
Jacob Young with some of the Troope, who returned and told
us they had broke up their seige and gone and left behind
notice, had carried away nine men, four weomen, and four
girles, and killed one man
30th Wee Returned.
An Ordinance of the Rt honble the Lord Propry touching
Assemblys, viz
Charles Absolute Lord and Propry of the Provinces of
Maryland and Avalon Lord Baron of Baltemore &ca To our
two houses of Assembly and to all the ffreemen of our said
Province of Maryland greeteing in our Lord God Everlasting.
Whereas the late high & Mighty Prince Charles the ffirst of
blessed memory constituteing our late ffather Caecilius &c. of
Noble Memory true Lord and Propryof this Province of Mary-
land, amongst other Requisits to the Governmt and Security
of the people to be Governed, by his Lres Pattents gave unto
our sd ffather his heyres and Successors Lords and Proprys free
full and absolute power to ordeine, make, Enact, and under
his and their Seale to publish any Lawes whatsoever of and
with the advice and Assent of the ffreemen of the said Prov-
ince or of their Delegates or Deputyes to be by him the said
Lord Propry or his heyres Assembled in such sort or forme as
to him or them the said Lord Propry and his heyres should
seeme best, And fforasmuch as the forme of Assembling the
said ffreemen their Delegates and Deputyes hath hitherto
Liber R.
been altogether uncertain from the very beginning of the
Seateing of this Province ffor the settleing therefore of the
mindes of the ffreemen, and Establishing a certainty for the
future wherein our peace may rest as upon a sure foundation,
By the advice of our Councill, Wee doe hereby publish
ordeine and Declare that from and after the dissolution of
this present generall Assembly whensoever Wee or our heyres
and Successors our or their Lievetenant for the time being
shall think fitt to call an Assembly for the Establishing any
Lawes or otherwise to consult of the arduous and urgent
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