Proceedings of the Council of Maryland, 1681-85/6. 145
Charles Lord Baltemore, Absolute Lord and Proprietary of
the Provinces of Maryland and Avalon &c
To our dear Cousen and Councellor Coll George Talbott
Reposeing Speciall Confidence in your Wisedom and
Integrity, I doe hereby nominate, and appoint you, to repaire
forthwith to the Skullkill at Delaware, and in my name to
demand of William Penn Esqr or his Deputy all that part of
land on the West side of the said river that lyeth to the South-
ward of the 40th degree Northerly Lattitude according to an
This Com-
ission was
given my
Cosen Geo:
when I was
last up
the Bay.
C. B.
East Line runn out from two observations the one
taken the 10th of June 1682, and the other the 27thof
September 1682 in obedience to his Majesties
Cofnands, Exprest in a Letter of the 2d Aprill 1681 ;
which Cofnands were at that time reiected by the
Agents of the said P,enn, notwithstanding that by
severall Letters and writeing's under theire hands, it
may appeare, they promised a Compliance with his Maiesties
Comands aforesaid; and for what you shall doe herein, this
shall be to you a Sufficient Power Given. Vnder my hand and
Seale the 17th day of September Anno 1683.
Vera copia attestate C: Baltemore
p.me Geo: Talbott
By Vertue of his Lopps Comission whereof the above is a
true coppy, I George Talbott doe in the name of the Right
Honnorable Charles Lord Baltemore Absolute Lord and Pro-
prietary of Maryland, and Avalon demand of you Nicholas
Moore Deputy to William Penn Esqr all the Land Lyeing on
the West side of Delaware River, and to the Southward of
the fortieth degree of Northerly Lattitude, according to a line
runn East from two observations the one taken the 10th day
of June 1682 and the other on the. 27th of September 1682 in
obedience to his Maiesties Cofnands Exprest in a Letter of
the 2d Aprill 1681 which Cofnands were at that time, reiected
by the said William Penn's Agents notwithstanding that by
severall Letters and other writeings Vnder theire hands it
appeares, that they promised Complyance to his Maiesties
Cofnands aforesaid. The Land soe claimed by me for the
Lord Baltemores use being part of the said Province of Mary-
land granted to his Lopps father by King Charles the first, of
Sacred memory, and now wrongfully detained by the said
William Penn from his Lopp. And in Witnesse that I make
this demand I have hereunto Sett my hand and Seale the 24th
day of September 1683. George Talbott, (L. S.)