to equip two companies that has been sent out of it, and that
if we were expected to march, to send us proper arms, be
assured what are left would be madness in us to trust our
lives with.
Your last letter dated January the 9th came to hand the 22nd
at night, the Post first carrying it to Philadelphia, charges on
it 5/. I am there requested to act in conformity to what has
or may be required by Congress. As their requisition is to
the Committee am at a loss how to act, until further orders,
which will be obeyed by Gentlemen,
Your most obedt Humbl Servant,
The Honble Council of Charles Rumsey
Safety, Annapolis
[Remonstrance of men of Smith's Company.]
Whetstone Point 24th Jany 1777
Captn Nathl Smith: Sir. As we would scorn to be con-
cerned in any mutiny or broils that may arise in your Com-
pany we take the liberty of writing a few lines to your Honour
and hopes your Honour will not refuse our Humble request
as we have not misbehaved since our first enlistment which
was but for one year and is now at the expiration and shall
rely on your honour that you will let us have a proper dis-
charge before we enlist a second time as we are determined
to enlist again and defend the libertys of the country as far as
lies in our power if we receive our rations thats due to us, our
wages raised and the bounty that is now given in other Com-
panys but not without a proper discharge first, if it is not
agreeable to your Honour to do us Justice, and let us have
our proper discharge we shall be under the disagreeable
necessity to make our humble address to the Honorable Con-
tinental Congress. We are Honrd Sir, Your Honours
As witness our hands. Most obedt and Dutifull Subjects :
C. S. C.