564 Index to Names of Persons and Places.
Buchanan, Archibald, 180, 443.
Calvert, Benedict, 71, 250.
Buchanan, Dr., 33.
Calvert County, 9, 58, 61, 196, 274, 325,
Buchanan, Mr., 26, 197.
326, 362, 384, 390, 399, 426, 474, 475,
Buchanan, William, 123, 126, 274, 462.
Buck, Benjamin, 350.
Cambridge, 19, 20, 157, 228, 275, 309,
Buck, Joshua, 350.
382, 383, 422, 426, 473, 474, 5IO> 5'5.
Buckland, William, 240.
535- 536, 540, 542, 544, 546.
Buckley, John, 291, 482.
Camelia (vessel), 62.
Buckskin (vessel), 280.
Camp, Lodowick, 550.
Buckskin Hero (vessel), 268.
Campbell, Daniel, 541.
Bullen, John, 68, 78, 87, 109, 134, 147,
Campbell, Eneas, 275, 373, 392, 529, 552.
152, 162, 163, 168, 171, 189, 195, 199,
Campbell, James, 1 10, in, 112, 189,
205, 209, 224, 240, 249, 320, 379, 4<.jo,
407, 43i, 436, 477. 482, 532.
Campbell, John, 235, 236, 279, 280, 343.
Burdett, William, 560.
Campbell, Lieut., 177, 191.
Burger, Tidar, 408.
Campbell, William, 3. 62, 132, 157, 164,
Burgess, Basil, 347.
268, 278, 298, 308, 312, 317, 337, 343,
Burgess, Caleb, 294, 525.
352, 355- 441. 450. 464. 473- 574. 539-
Burgess, Edward, 275, 440, 529.
Campbell, Zachariah, 122.
Burgess, Francis, 23, 301.
Canada, 529, 533.
Burgess, John, 101, 263, 274, 282, 347,
Cannon, John, 101, 103, 348, 406.
460, 525.
Cannon, Levin, 66.
Burgess, John Magruder, 356.
Carlisle, 206, 215, 236, 359.
Burgess, Joseph, 160, 380.
Carlton, Joseph, 236, 363.
Burgess, Richard, 476.
Carman, Charles, 161, 271, 368.
Burgess, Vachel, 216.
Carnan, Charles, 481.
Burgoyne, Gen., 222, 228, 236, 365, 397,
Cams, Peter, 119.
407, 414, 529.
Caroline County, 16, 17, 18, 65, 66, 274,
Burke, Richard, 74.
294- 299. 364> 365. 426, 520- 55r-
Burland, Richard, 304.
Carr, James, 249.
Burlington, 304.
Carroll, Charles, 4, n, 62, 107, 192, 193,
Burnell, John, 1^5.
376, 384, 476.
Burrell, Alexander, 367, 368, 421.
Carroll, Charles, Sr., 189, 212.
Burridge, William, 298.
Carroll, Daniel, 424, 427, 430, 470, 504,
Burrows, John, 211.
Bush Town, 262.
Carroll, Henry, 74.
Hussey, Bennet, 149.
Carroll, Jeremiah, 219.
Hussey, Edward, 129, 131.
Carroll, Mrs., 183, 476.
Bussick, James, 278.
Carson, Mr., 352.
Busy, Charles, 373.
Carter, Rebecca, 72.
Butler, Edward Farrall, 439.
Carter, William, 62, 166, 220, 297,373.
Butler, Henry, 350.
Cartwright. John, 346, 373.
Butler, John, 192.
Cartwright, William, 346.
Butler, Richard, 468.
Carvil, Peter, 19.
Byas, Joseph, 362, 427.
Gary, Capt., 136.
Cary, Joshua, 348.
Cadery, James, 166.
Casey, Robert, 316.
Cadwalader, Gen., 352, 358, 361.
Casson, Philip, 294, 476.
Cain, Manasseh, 118, 440.
Catheel, Jonathan, 351.
Calder, James, 89, 90, 91.
Cathel, Josiah, 410.
Caldwell, Samuel, 149.
Cayton, Mary, 27.
Calhoun, James, 15, 46, 47. 48, 60, 95,
Cecil County, 46, 78, 79, 137, 254, 257,
106, 149, 150, 151, 198, 206, 262, 268,
274, 392, 401, 408, 426, 455, 494, 495,
310 426, 433, 435, 458, 468, 477, 478,
480, 483, 484, 489, 490, 492, 494, 496,
Cedar Point, 440.
505, 545.
Chadwick, Thomas, 362.
Callahan, John, 392.
Chaille, Peter, 103.
Callahan, Thomas, 250, 343.
Chalmers, John, 20, 337, 338, 394, 422,
Callalo, Hamilton, 157, 159, 164, 176,
473. 474 482, 514, 528, 529, 540.
177, 368, 386, 538-
Charnberlaine, James Lloyd, 3, 4, 5, 9,