Index to Names of Persons and Places, 5^3
Blaine, Col., 461.
Breem, John, 346.
Blair, William, 274.
Brevard, John, 350.
Blake, Robert, 421.
Brice, Jacob, 54, 362.
Blinco, Clinch, 261.
Brice, James, 78, 214, 217, 220, 303, 386,
Bluff, Joseph, 434.
424, 431, 435, 450, 451, 465, 466, 468,
Boager, Jacob, 74.
474,481,483,485, 515,520.
Boarman, Henry, 401.
Brice, John, 138, 263. 392, 426.
Bolton, John, 448, 477, 478, 479, 522.
Briddell, Elihu, 350.
Bolton, Thomas, 166.
Brien, Richard, 474.
Bond, Gerard, 345.
Briscoe, Gerard, 350, 373, 529.
Bond, John, 274.
Briscoe, John Hanson, 72.
Bond, Nathaniel, 201, 298, 299, 314, 433.
Britt, Robert, 73.
Bond, Richard, 219, 300, 301, 401, 496.
Brittain, Nathaniel, 105, 114.
Bond, Thomas, 97, 115, 130, 274.
Brittingham, Beletha, 350.
Bond, William, 346, 551.
Brogden, Samuel, 372, 525.
Bonnar, Catherine, 83.
Brogden, William, 263, 372, 445, 525.
Booker, Edward, 268.
Bromwell, Edward, 168.
Booltz, Thomas, 439.
Bromwell, Spedding, 168.
Boone, Capt, 286, 367.
Brooke, Commodore, 232, 233.
Boone, Charles, 525.
Brooke, John Smith, 356, 541.
Boone, Ignatius, 305.
Brooke, Richard, 373.
Boone, John, 525.
Brooke, Roger, 373.
Boone, Samuel, 386.
Brookes, Benjamin, 273.
Boone, Stephen, 525.
Brookes, Capt., 396.
Bordeaux, 174, 211, 236, 499.
Brookes, James, 552.
Bordley, Capt., 295.
Broom, Abraham, 254, 307.
Bordley, Dr., 345.
Broomfield, Thomas, 229, 313.
Bordley, William, 121, 243, 285, 303,
Brother, Capt., 366.
421, 434, 435, 543.
Brothers (vessel), 22, 155.
Bork, Parket, 465.
Brothers and Doffler, 396.
boscoms, Robert, 374.
Brown, (Japt., 471, 472.
Bosley, Charles, n, 30, 76, 87-100, 362.
Brown, Collin, 62.
Bosley, Zebulon, 362.
Brown, Elie, 343.
Bossman, Edward, 88.
Brown, George, 76, 77, 88.
Boston, 142, 208, 236.
Brown, Joseph, 162.
Boucher, Capt., 268.
Brown and Thompson, 269.
Boudinot, Elias, 217, 445, 506, 519, 545.
Brown, Samuel, 525.
Bowes, Samuel, 219.
Brown, Thomas, 550.
Bowes, Timothy, 160.
Browne (Brown), John, 256, 274. 308.
Bowie, Allen, 373.
Browne, Nathan, 295.
Bowie, Fielder, 273.
Browne, Priscilla, 117.
Bowie, John, 156, 192, 193, 231, 282,
Browne, Robert, 1 17.
Browne (Brown), William, 3. 50, 54, 63,
Bowie, Robert, 356.
86, 262, 268, 305, 322, 368, 410, 411,
Bowie, Walter, 363, 396.
429, 450, 452
Boyd, Abraham, 532.
Bruce, Charles, 373.
Boyd, David, 421.
Bruce, James, 483.
Boyd, James, 209.
Bruce, John, 350, 373.
Boyd, Thomas, 273.
Bruce, Norman, 15, 32 33, 37, 64, 274.
Bozman, Ballard, 381.
Bruce, Robert, 15, 68.
Bracco, John, 254, 308, 463, 488, 507,
Bruff, Joseph, 286, 287, 474.
521, 338.
Bruff, Thomas, 351.
Bradford, Henry, 119.
Bruff, William, 114.
Bradley, James, 73, 552.
Brunswick, 116.
Brady, John, 74, 289.
Bryan, Daniel, 290, 422.
Brandywine, 370, 371.
Bryan, John, 474, 477, 549-
Brashears, Joseph, 493.
Buchanan, Andrew, 12, 29, 31, 40, 78,
Brashears, Rezin, 37, 55.
79, 86, 95, 96, 129, 130, 148, 149, 274,
Brashears, William, 37, 55.
304, 341, 369, 388, 390, 391, 498, 541.