Ordered That the western shore Treasurer pay to Edward
Gaither six pounds for the use of Stephen West per Account
That the said Treasurer pay to Stephen Steward six hun-
dred pounds on Acct
Thursday 12th March 1778
Present as on yesterday.
Ordered That the western shore Treasurer pay to Samuel
Mead four pounds ten shillings for 2 pair Stockings and one
pair Shoes delivered into the Public Store at Annapolis
That the said Treasurer pay to James Murphy who was of
Capt Lucas's Company of Smallwoods Battalion was wounded
and taken on Long Island 27 August 1776 and has lost his
left Leg, Eight Pounds, eleven shillings and Eight Pence due
to the first Day of December 1776 and the further Sum of
Sixty six pounds ten shillings due from that time to the first
Instant for his Pay by General Smallwoods Certificate given
at Wilmington the 6th Inst on his return Home to be charged
to the Continent
That the said Treasurer pay to Col. John H. Stone seven
hundred and fifty Pounds, seventeen Shillings and eleven
Pence to be delivered over to Col Samuel Hanson for the use
of the Militia who were in Service with him being the Balance
of the Account unpaid passed by the Board of Accounts the 6
Day of February last
That the said Treasurer pay to Col. John H. Stone five
hundred Dollars out of the Money lately sent by Congress
for the recruiting Service to be charged to the first Maryland
Ordered That William Lux of Baltimore deliver to Stephen
Steward 55 fathom 2 1/2 Inch Bolt rope 40 fathom 2 Inch Do
and 2 Coils 12 thread ratline on Account