for the recruiting Service. I sent it by him to you, and I
expect you have received it before this time. If that sum
will not do, I beg you will be kind enough to acquaint me. I
am informed the Committee of Congress at Camp have
among other States, applied to the State of Maryland for the
purchase of a number Horses for the purpose of forming a
Body of light Cavalry. If you should approve of the plan or
should you lay it before the Assembly, and it is adopted by
them; I trust some estimate of the expence will be made that
the money may be forwarded from this place. Should the
recruiting Service require a greater number of Dollars I
believe they may be had.
I believe you need not entertain any fears of the expedition
against Canada going forward. The advanced season of the
year, and the feeble preparations in that department has
effectually put an end to it. I most cordially join with you in
opinion, that it is the interest as well as the true policy of this
Country to collect their force to a single point by strengthen-
ing the hands of Genl Washington. But this I fear will not
be the case. It is the opinion of some, and they have weight
with a certain class of men, that the whole force of the
Enemy will be turned towards the East the next campaign, a
military Gentleman in high office supports this opinion.
Should it prevail in Congress I think it will injure the middle
States in a high degree, as well as the common Cause at large.
The Virginia Frigate is ordered to make another attempt if
she fails the measure you propose I expect will be adopted.
Virginia will this afternoon offer to ratify the confederation.
No other State is prepared. I shall take this opportunity of
stating the objections to it, from Maryland, tho I have little
hopes of this matter being soon determined. I fear it never
will in our favour.
We had intelligence last night of one of our armed Vessels
in the Delaware, near Cristeen having taken two Ships and a
small sloop of war. We have not heard the Cargoes. I
believe this news may be relied on.
Enclosed you have some of the Debates of the House of
Lords and Commons. They will amuse you. Twenty thou-
sand additional Troops for the Service of 1778 is voted with-
out a division. With great regard I am Sir Your most
obedt and very hble Servt
J. Henry Junr
C. C.