venient houses, yards, and conveniences of all kinds for the
Province use to contain provisions, sales, riging of all sorts, a
dwelling house, yard and weell to be Cept for the States use
with a proper man to receive and deliver stores and neses-
seryes of all kinds, I have the conveniencies compleat, and a
man proper for that purpose, and as the State has number of
vesells it would be a home for them and their men at all
times, as to the conveniencies Capt. Kook can inform you,
and the man I will undertake for his honesty and care.
I wish Capt. Kelty could be got up to the Ship. Pleas send
me by Capt Cook 4000 thousand Pounds, I have advanst him
£1000 for his Ships use, and the sum for the new Ship is
wanted, and hers and the Brigg's Cargoes I am now purchasin
for you tobaco and flour as fast as possible,
from your humble Servt
Jesse Hollingsworth.
Honble Counsill of Saftey at Anopolis
Mr Steward has seen your letter and it is all right. I think
to see you in a day or two and say more about many matters.
Excuse hast and bad writing, from your friend and
Humble Servt.
Jesse H.
[J. Auchenleck to Cook.]
Sir. Ship Defence 16 Jany 1777.
When I mentioned to you my intentions of leaving the
Ship Defence you was desirous of knowing my reasons for so
doing. I have here sent you them in writing. In the first
place I need expect no further preferment in the servise, as I
find the officers of the Soldiers are prefered before the sea
officers. An other objecktion is I doe not think the Ship will
be mand for sea this winter and I look on it to be losing
time to continue by her when I may have an opportunity of
expending the time to more advantage. Not but I have the
greatest esteem for the servise, and would doe all that in my
power lies for the benefite of the same. With respeckt to you
Capt. Cook, I must allways in point of Honour, and gratitude
aknoledge you the officer Seaman and my friend therefore
must request you to continue the harmony that has subsisted
betwixt us, and am yours, To Command &c.
To J. Auchenleck.
Capt. George Cook Esq.
C. S. C.
Friday, January 17, 1777.
Council met. Present as on yesterday.
Copy of Letter No 111 was sent to his Excellency Patrick
Henry junior Esquire, Governor of Virginia, Copy of No 112
C. S. J.