52 Journal and Correspondence
C. S. C.
No. 108.
[Council to Jesse Hollingsworth.]
Jany 15th 1777
Sir. Capt. Kelty comes up to take the command of the
Ship you purchased for us the other day, also to look out for
men. We should be obliged to you to let us know whether a
Cargo of Tobo could be got for her speedily at Baltimore
Town and at what price, also in what time she could be loaded
with Flour & the price of it. Be pleased to let us hear from
you, we request you would buy a quarter cask of good wine,
and a hogshead of Rum, and send down for the hospitals as
soon as you can, we have many sick soldiers and they are in
want of both spirit and wine. We are &c.
Mr. Jesse Hollingsworth
No. 109.
[Council to Gerard Hopkins.]
Jany 16, 1777
Sir. The board received a letter from Capt Nathaniel
Smith of the 12th inst:, informing them that Messrs Vanbibber
& Crockett had a quantity of Ticklenburgh that would answer
well for tents. Be pleased to receive the ticklenburgh and
have it made into proper Tents with all expedition. You'll
forward the amount of the ticklinburgh to the Council as soon
as convenient.
Mr. Gerard Hopkins. We are, &c.
No. 110.
[Council to Smyth.]
Sir. We are much obliged for your favour in purchasing
Beef and Pork, and should be glad you could purchase a
further quantity, we have advanced our price and now give
35s for Beef fed on the marshes, 45s for stall fed Beef and
from 45s to 50s for Pork, and allow 5 pr ct. Commission to the
purchaser. Should you want more cash, you may have it by
sending us a line. We request you would receive the remain-
ing two hundred pr. of shoes from James Claypole and let us
know how our gunsmiths go on by your next.
Jany 15th 1777. We are &c.
Thomas Smyth Esqr
[Jesse Hollingsworth to Council.]
Sirs. Baltimore January 16th 1777.
I this day am aplied to by Capt. Kook for sum sutable
plase as a Standing warfe with warehouses and all other con-