Saturday 31st January 1778.
Present as on yesterday.
Ordered That the western shore Treasurer pay to Col.
Edward Lloyd two thousand six hundred and eighty nine
pounds ten shillings per Acct passed the Board
That the said Treasurer pay to Francis Baker one thousand
Dollars to be expended in purchasing Beef Cattle for the
Continental Army.
Ordered That the western shore Treasurer pay to Jere-
miah Baker Forty eight pounds, fifteen shillings due him for
waggonage and the further Sum of Fifty three Pounds, five
shillings for the use of Benjamin Mava due him per Account
Monday 2d February 1778.
Present as on Saturday except Thomas Sim Lee Esqr James
Brice Esqr attended
Ordered That the western shore Treasurer pay to Charles
Carnan two hundred and seventy eight pounds, sixteen shil-
lings and five pence for the use of the Soldiers Delight
Battalion of Militia in Baltimore County as per Account
That the said Treasurer pay to Francis Rawlings sixty nine
pounds five shillings for Beef Purchased of him for the State
per Account passed
That the said Treasurer pay to John Wilmott junr eighteen
pounds five shillings for riding Express per Account passed
That the said Treasurer pay to John Annis two pounds, five
Shillings for burying a Soldier per Account passed.
That the said Treasurer pay to Thomas Johnson Junr nine
pounds to pay for Sundries bought for the Council to be
accounted for.
Ordered That Colo Martin at Snow Hill deliver to Thomas
Richardson or his Order 325 Bushels Salt for the Continent.