James Henderson Esquire elected Member of this Board in
the room of William Hemsley Esqr who refused, appeared
and Qualified by subscribing a Declaration of his Belief in the
Christian Religion and taking the several Oaths required
Orders on the Eastern shore Treasurer of the 9th Instant to
Col George Dashiell were this day returned there not being a
sufficient Sum in that Treasury to pay the said Orders and it
was therefore ordered that the western shore Treasurer pay
the said Orders.
Ordered That the western shore Treasurer pay to Colo
George Dashiell Three hundred and seventy five pounds to
be paid over to Francis Baker to Purchase Beef for the Conti-
nental Army.
Commission issued to Benjamin Purnell appointed Sheriff
of Worcester County in the room of William Selby Junr who
refused to Act
Ordered that the western shore Treasurer pay to George
P. Keeports one hundred and three pounds, eighteen shillings
and six pence Amount of Account passed.
That the said Treasurer pay to George P. Keeports ten
pounds ten shillings to be delivered over to John Proctor
amount of Account passed.
That the said Treasurer pay to Capt. Clement Harrison one
hundred and forty six pounds, fourteen shillings and eight
Pence Bal3 of Account passed.