will yet be a Public Advantage to have your People kept fully
employed, and there's no Likelihood of any Loss from it.
We will advance the Money for the Purchase, as you may
desire it, and shall willingly settle and pay for what we have
had, as soon as you please. The Price we presume will
depend a good Deal on the Cost of the Materials and ought
to be mentioned by you, we expect it will be as moderate as
you can well afford. The Georgia Regiment have occasioned
Complaints wherever they have went. A Representation of
their Conduct has been laid before Congress, who have
empowered the Governor to appoint Commissioners to hear
Complaints against them and settle Damages, which are to
be stopped at the Pay of the Regiment. We believe that
your Waggon, when on such Business, will not again be taken,
but there would be an Impropriety as we have no Power to
grant particular Exemptions. We are &ca
Christr Lowndes Esqr
C. C.
Saturday 25th October 1777.
Present as on yesterday
Ordered That the western shore Treasurer pay to Capt.
James Belt one hundred pounds on Account.
Thursday 30th October 1777.
Pt as on Saturday except Mr Sim. Mr Rogers attended.
Ordered that the western shore Treasurer pay to Thomas
Doyle four Pounds per Account passed.
Ordered That George Murdock pay to John Balser five
hundred pounds heretofore advanced him and that the west-
ern shore Treasurer pay to John Balser two hundred and
forty five pounds seventeen shillings and six pence for fifty
four Cattle purchased of him a £13 16 3 each.
That the western shore Treasurer pay to Olliver Whiddon
two pounds twelve shillings and six pence per Account
Friday 31 October 1777.
Present as on yesterday.
Ordered That the western shore Treasurer pay to Chris-
topher Raberk one hundred and eleven pounds eighteen shil-
lings and one penny per Account passed the Board.
That the said Treasurer pay to John Stark Ten pounds Ten
shillings per Account passed the Board.
C. H.