404 Journal and Correspondence
C. C.
we have not got them, nor can procure them. Your enrolled
Militia was, by express Resolution of Congress to have been
paid by the Continent and to act with Colo Richardson's Bat-
talion. We cannot think that, on having the Pay Rolls made
up and certified by him, there will be any Difficulty in drawing
the Pay: if there should, transmit us the Pay Rolls, and you
shall immediately receive the Money. We are &ca
Capt Robert Wright
C. B
Friday 24th October 1777.
Present as on yesterday
Ordered that the western shore Treasurer pay to Robert
John Smith one hundred and thirty three pounds per Acct
C. C.
[Council to J. Hollingsworth.]
In Council 24th Octr 1777.
We shall be glad to have your Account settled & the Bal-
ance paid. We find that the Captains, by applying to you,
get Articles which we would not allow, and, in many
Instances, People who have Accounts with us, also apply to
and get money of you, by which means we have not the
Judgment and Control over the Public Money designed by
the Legislature, and accounts may be twice paid, or those
which would not pass, may get paid. Wherefore we request
that you will not advance any Thing in future, on Account of
the Public, without our particular Request, for we clearly see
this Mode of conducting the Business will not do.
Mr Jesse Hollingsworth. We are &ca
[Council to C. Lowndes.]
In Council 24th Octr 1777.
We write to Capt Coursey to wait on you himself and
explain his Bill for Cordage, Belt wants his for a different
Vessel, he says he wrote to you for a Ten inch Cable and half
a Ton of small Cordage. I suppose he is mistaken, and that
he wrote for the Ton, as you mention, tho' the Cable and half
Ton only were wanted by him. We do not think we shall
have Occasion for the ten Tons of Hemp, besides what you
now have by you, though we possibly may and therefore we
wish you to contract for it. If it should not be all immedi-
ately, or as soon as you work it up, wanted by the Public, it