Monday August 11th 1777
Present as on Saturday except Mr Rogers & Mr Lee
Ordered That the western shore Treasurer Pay to Benjamin
Parsons eighteen Pounds two Shillings due on Acct passed
the Bd
That the said Treasurer pay to John Annis eight Pounds
five shillings on Acct passed.
Capt: Conway,
Instead of going directly to the Havannah as mentioned in
your Instructions of the 8th proceed to the Moale and there
dispose of your Cargoe and purchase there Bark & Flies if to
be had on good Termes, & Salt with outgoing to the Havan-
nah; if you cannot sell to advantage at the Moale and are
ascertained that your Cargoe is admissible at the Havannah
& that you can do better there, proceed to the Havannah or
if Tobacco is not admissible at the Havannah & you cannot
sell at the Moale, Store your Tobacco there & go to the
Havannah and take the Chance for the Governor's giving you