C. C.
[Circular to Colonels.]
In Council Annapolis 6th May 1777.
Inclosed you have a Resolution of Congress of the 19th Apl
It was thought necessary for the Security and Quiet of the
Eastern Shore, that a small Body of Men should be ready on
the Spot. Colo Richardson's Battalion is ordered on this
Service, and we are persuaded, if we can soon raise the 300
Militia, and the lower Counties the 100, they will, together
prevent our being disturbed by a small Force and may, in
Case a more formidable one should be sent there, serve as a
Body for the Militia at large to resort to. Colo Richardson is
of Opinion with us that the 300 had best be composed of 5
Companies consisting of 1 Captain 2 Lts 1 Ensign 1 Drum &
Fife 4 Sergeants 4 Corporals and 46 Privates each, and that
as Somerset and Worcester lie most convenient to reinforce
this Body, the Militia be got, if possible from the other East-
ern Shore Counties, which will be at about the Rate of half a
Company from each Battalion, a Number that can be easily
spared. You will therefore call your Battalion together, and
you and the other Field Officers of it, are to recommend a
proper Person to us for a Captain and another for Ensign of
a Company, and assist them all in your Power to enroll 30
Men who, with 26 to be enrolled by the two Lieutsfrom some
neighbouring Battalion are to form one of the Companies.
The Commissions shall issue on the Men being raised, a Capt
20, first Lieut 14, 2d Lieut 12 and Ensign 10, and the Officers
to rank as they shall enroll their Quotas.
We shall endeavour to supply the Militia with necessary
Cloathing on the same moderate Terms as the Regulars; we
have Tents to supply them with, and they shall be well treated
in every Respect, and receive the same Pay as the Continental
Troops. If any should supply themselves with good Mus-
quets and Bayonets, we will make an Allowance of 10/ to
such. As soon as the Men enroll, their Officers are to march
them forward to join Colo Richardson in Somerset County.
You will be pleased to acknowlege the Receipt, as soon as it
gets to your Hands and as soon as possible, advise us of your
Success, no Time is to be lost and if this Method, contrary to
our Hopes and Expectations, should not succeed, some other
must be fallen on. We have inclosed you the Form of an
Inrollment, and are Sir &ca
We the Subscribers do hereby enroll ourselves to serve as
Maryland Militia, under the Resolution of Congress of the
19th Day of April last, until the 10th Day of December next,