[Gist to Gov. Johnson.]
Baltimore 5th May 1777
Sir: Major Davis from Virginia arriv'd here a few days
ago with 50 prisoners, the principal part of which are High-
landers, but being informed by Colo Gurney that no Cartel
has been settled for their Exchange, and that those already
sent forward to Philadelphia have been order'd back to Lan-
caster, I have, in order to avoid unnecessary trouble and
Expence, taken the liberty to detain them in this town, untill
the pleasure of the Board of War shall be known relative to
their further destination; if I have Exceeded the line of my
duty in this department, the good Intention with which it was
done I hope will sufficiently appologize for the Error. In the
mean time should you have received any Instructions from
Congress concerning the prisoners, shall be glad to be hon-
ored with your commands that they may be dispos'd of
accordingly. I wrote you the 3d Instant p Express, requesting
the favor of you to forward me an order for Cloathing, of
which Colo Rumsey who lately left Phila can particularly
Inform you — shall be glad you wou'd dispatch the Express, to
enable me to forward the troops to Camp.
I have the honor to be, sir,
Your mo. obedient, very hum. Servant
M. Gist Colo 3d Regt
N. B. Since the above I am credibly In form'd that a Cer-
tain Doctr Kennedy late of this Town is now with the Enemy
in New York. He has left sundry medicines here which are
much wanting in the continental Army.
His Excellency Governor Johnson
C. C.
May 6th 1777.
Present the same members, as on yesterday.
Ordered, That the Western Shore Treasurer pay to Samuel
Barber twelve pounds, for Amt of Acct
That the said Treasurer pay to Captn Wm Galbraith one
hundred and eighty three pounds, sixteen shillings and eight
Pence for Amt of Acct
That the said Treasurer pay to Captn Wm Galbraith thirty
shillings for Amt of Acct
C. B.