much mended, the forwardest of them is on the lower Part of
our Eastern Shore with Intention to exercise the Hands she
has and endeavour to get more. The Defence is lying here,
merely for want of Hands, she has now about 60 and wants at
least as many more, we are using our utmost Endeavours to
get them, but the Privateers and the high Wages given by
Merchants, make it very difficult to get men of any Sort. We
have for some Time expected Capt Nicholson down, in the
Virginia, though all we know is from Report, having little
Correspondence with him. From some late Instances of his
Conduct, there is no great Probability of our Wishes or Advice
influencing him in any Degree, yet, if there was any Hope of
clearing the Bay with his Assistance, the Council and I would
instantly Request it, and, if necessary apply to Congress, for
Orders to him; but Commodore Brooke and Capt Cooke,
concurring in opinion with us, that our Force collected, would
be too much inferior to that of a forty Gun Ship and Frigate,
in a situation where the Row Gallies could not probably act
with Effect, any Application to Capt Nicholson or the Con-
gress would, it is thought, be useless. We have no Doubt but
the Congress would, if it was in their Power, order a Frigate
or two round from Delaware, but, from what we are informed,
it is impracticable to get them out, there being, according to
the last Accounts from Philadelphia nine Men of War within,
or about the Capes of that Bay, they have been too successful
in their Depredations on the American Trade. As soon as
we can get any of our Row Gallies ready they will be ordered
down, in such a Situation, that they may be easily collected to
take the Advantage of a Calm and with Orders to act in Con-
cert with yours, it is our Idea that, in a Calm, an Attack might
be decisive against a Man of War, and that if the Row Gallies
should be worsted, they might, almost certainly retreat. We
have only the Number of eighteen Pounders, appropriated by
our Legislature, to our Forts; some of our Gallies would well
carry twenty four's perhaps thirty two's; the Congress agreed
with the Messrs Hughes's for a great Number of heavy Cannon,
some of which, we hope, will soon be made, we propose to
apply for a few of them for our Gallies, and shall write press-
ingly to the Contractors to forward them. We look on this
State equally interested with yours, in the Defence of the Bay,
are heartily disposed to contribute to it, and are indeed sorry
that it is not in our Power, jointly with your State to effect it.
Governor Henry We are &ca
C. C.