C. C.
[Council to Col. Richardson.]
In Council Annapolis 28th Apl 1777.
We are informed that several Gentlemen who have had
recruiting Warrants delivered by the Committees or the
Council of Safety and most of them been supplied with Money
to recruit Men in the seven Battalions to be raised as the
Quota of this State, not having been gratified in their Appoint-
ments to the Height of their Expectations, have attempted to
transfer their Recruits to the sixteen Battalions. If any such
Attempt should be made by any Person on your Shore, you
are to take the Recruits into your Regiment and inform us of
the Fact with its Circumstances; for we are determined that
every Man, if it is in our Power, who has been raised towards
the Quota of this State, shall be so applied. We are Sir &ca
Colo Richardson.
C. B.
April 29'h 1777.
Present the same members, as on yesterday.
Ordered That Western Shore Treasurer pay to Jacob Nichols
fifty shillings for Amt of Acct
That the said Treasurer pay to Michael Ott forty five shill-
ings for Amt of Acct
Captain Richard Coward agrees to go Master of the Dol-
phin at the Rate of eleven pounds Currency p month
Ordered, That the Western Shore Treasurer pay to Wm
Goldsmith twenty Pounds, eighteen shillings & three Pence
for Balc of Acct
C. C.
[Gov. Johnson to Gov. Henry.]
Annapolis 29th Apl 1777.
This Morning Commodore Brooke delivered me your
Letter of the 25th Inst I immediately laid it before the
Council and sent for the Capt of our Ship Defence to consult
on the Subject; we have had a very free Conversation with
him and Commodore Brooke. I wrote you the 24th giveing
you an Account of the Condition of our Row Gallies, it is not