Ordered That the Western Shore Treasurer pay to Captain
Solomon Long eighteen pounds, two shillings and six Pence,
for Amt of his Acct
Ordered That the said Treasurer pay to John Bullen Qr
Master ninety four Pounds for two Horses p Acct
Levin Wilcoxon a Serjeant in Colonel Stone's Regiment dis-
charged from the service, the facts in his Petition being proved.
Ordered That the Western Shore Treasurer pay to Captain
Levin Handy, for the use of Colonel Richardson, three thou-
sand Dollars, on Acct
That the said Treasurer pay to Colonel Jeremiah Jordan,
for the use of James Boyd four Pounds, seven shillings, and
three Pence for Amt of Acct
That Captain Alexander Furnival deliver to Colo Hall, for
the use of his Battalion, or in his Absence, to Colonel Smith all
the surplus Cloathing and Blankets now in his Possession, and
which are not necessary for his men now actually enlisted; an
order of Council of the third instant was sent to Captain Fur-
nival relative to these Articles, which it was expected he would
have instantly obeyed, but no answer hath yet been given to it.
Ordered That the Western Shore Treasurer pay to Beriah
Maybury one hundred and fifty Pounds on Acct
That the said Treasurer pay to Colonel Jeremiah Jordan,
for the use of Caleb Sesson thirty pounds, as Adjutant to his
C. B.
[Council to B. Johnson.]
In Council Annapolis 12th Apl 1777.
We have ordered a large Quantity of Powder from hence
and Baltimore to Frederick to be lodged in your Care; you
are to hire 12 good Men under you as a Guard and have it
deposited in the Market House, 'til a Magazine can be built,
where it is again to be removed and guarded. You will be
careful to keep and transmit to us, a very exact Account of
what may come to your Hands. If any Difficulties should
occur, you will write to us by Express, or if that will delay too
much, advise with Mr Hanson and Colo Beatty; we hope they,
and the other Gentlemen of Frederick Town will give you any
Assistance in their Power that may be necessary.
Majr Benjamin Johnson. We are &ca
C. C.