208 Journal and Correspondence
C. C.
mined to refer the adjusting of Rank to a Board of General
officers, which will proceed upon the business so soon as the
army collects & Circumstances will admit
I have the honour to be, with great Respect
Yr. most obedt. Servt.
Govr Johnson Go Washington
[Resolves of Congress.]
In Congress, 1 April, 1777
RESOLVED, That no officer already appointed, or to be here-
after appointed in the Army of the United States, shall take
Rank by virtue of a Commission antedated; but Rank shall
be determined by the time of appointment, unless otherwise
directed by special Resolution of Congress.
12th February, 1777
RESOLVED, That Genl Washington be impowered to settle
all matters of Rank & Pay amongst the officers of the Virginia
& Maryland Regiments, and fill up and date the Commissions
as he shall think just & proper; and that he also settle any
Disputes that may arise in the Army respecting Rank.
A true Copy. G. Johnston A. D. C.
C. B,
April 12th 1777
Clearance granted to Isaac Wentworth Captain of the Brig
Marian, to proceed from Annapolis to James River, he having
given Bond & in usual Form.
Ordered, That the Western Shore Treasurer pay to William
Thomas eighteen pounds, for Amt of Acct
That the said Treasurer pay to Robert Jno Smith one hun-
dred and twenty five pounds, one shilling and three pence for
Amt of Acct
That the said Treasurer pay to Woolman Gibson Junior
four pounds, two shillings and six Pence, for Amt of Acct
Clearance granted to William Rowntree, Captain of Brig,
Peggy and Catey, belonging to Robert McKim, of Baltimore
to go to James River in Virginia, he having given Bond & in
the usual Form.
Ordered, That the Western Shore Treasurer pay to John
Gibson (for the use of, James Wonlots six Pounds) and for
the use of John Harrison six Pounds, ten shillings for Amt
Clearance granted to Ephraim Lumbard Captain of the
Schooner Esther to go to Boston, he having given Bond & in
usual Form.