190 Journal and Correspondence
C. 15.
to take the oath of fidelity to this State, and the said Levin
Evans alleges that he was seized by mistake instead of one
Richard Evans. Wherefore the Governor and Council being
of opinion that if there's as well founded charge against the
said Levin Evans of any of the Crimes, or offences mentioned
in the said Proclamation, he is yet at least equitably entitled
to the Benefit thereof, performing the Conditions therein
expressed, except in the circumstances of Time, which he
could not do, because of his Confinement; he is discharged,
that he may, if he will elect to have the Benefit of the said
The said Levin Evans, after his being discharged as afore-
said voluntarily took the said oath of Fidelity before the Gov-
ernor and Council.
Ordered, That the Western Shore Treasurer pay to William
Nevin and Company one hundred and Seventeen pounds, ten
shillings and three Pence for Amt of their Acct
C. C.
[Galbraith to Council.]
Honble. Gentlemen
I think it my duty to inform You of the part I took in
endeavouring to suppress the tumult which Yesterday hap-
pened in Baltimore Town. On being applied to by Miss
Goddard to protect her Brother against a Mob, after advising
Miss Goddard to apply to the Chairman of the Committee,
I sent a Corporal to Capt. Nathaniel Smith to request He
with his men would join me to disperse the Mob. Capt.
Smith in person came to me, saying I might have a party of
his Men, but that he would not command them or order them
on any Account to Fire upon such a Body of Men. I replied
that if the Committee ordered (and they would not otherwise
disperse) I would command my Men to Fire, and should think
it my Duty to do so. But being allowed so few Men to
Guard the Magazine and Laboratory, I could not (thus circum-
stanced) assist Mr. Goddard, who was forcibly haled out of his
own House and taken down the street to Mr. Rusk's Tavern.
I am, Honble. Gentlemen, with due Respect,
Your obedt hble. Servt
26th March, 1777 Wm. Galbraith
P. S. I had wrote before with the above purport but that
Letter and the Copy are both lost.
C. B.
March 27th 1777
Ordered, That the Western Shore Treasurer pay to Mrs
Howard, three pounds, seven Shillings, and six pence for
Shirt-making p Acct