[Council to Jesse Hollingsworth.]
In Council March 25th 1777.
If the Bread you mention in your Letter of the 20th Inst is
likely to spoil soon, the Council recommend it to you to sell
for 12/6 p Ct the Price you have been offered, but if the
Bread is likely to keep good, they would not have you sell,
unless you get at least 15/5 if you do not sell, there's Room
enough here to store a Part of it, and you are desired to send
down from Time to Time, as good Opportunities may offer, a
Thousand or twelve Hundred Barrels. We are &ca
Mr Jesse Hollingsworth.
Lib. C. C.
March 26th 1777
Ordered, That Gerard Hopkins Commissary at Baltimore
Town send immediately to Annapolis, one Barrel of Gun
Locks. That he also make out a general Account of all the
public Stores in the Magazine, and of what has been delivered
out, and received since the Passage of his last Account, and
that he transmit the same to the Council, as soon as possible.
Ordered, that the Western Shore Treasurer pay to Ezekiel
Towson sixty two pounds, three Shillings, and nine pence for
Amt of his Acct
That the said Treasurer pay to Josias Shaw five pounds,
for Amt of his Acct
Doctor Richard Tooth is desired to deliver to the Honor-
able Thomas Stone Esquire, or his order, one pound of Jallop
for the use of some People, who are under Innoculation in
Charles County, he paying a reasonable Price for it, or under-
taking to return the like Quantity
Thomas Sim Lee Esquire, Colonel of the lower Battalion of
Militia in Prince George's County, resigned his Commission,
which was accepted of by the Council.
The Council proceeded to the choice of a member in the
Room of Charles Carroll Senior Esquire, who resigned and
the Honorable Thomas Sim Lee Esquire was elected, who
appearing was qualified by taking the Oaths, and subscribing
the Declaration directed by the Form of Government, and
taking the Oath prescribed by the General Assembly.
Ordered That the Western Shore Treasurer pay to John
Bullen Quarter Master, one hundred pounds, on Acct
Levin Evans of Somerset County, who was seized by James
Campbell on the Lower Islands of this State within the forty
days allowed by the Proclamation issued by the General
Assembly, prayed his release, and that he might be permitted
C. B.