C. S. C.
to supply him with a sum of money to enable him to purchase
a larger quantity of goods at a time, & prevent him the
trouble & expence of coming here so often, and likewise that
your honours will please to allow him a higher Commission
for transacting the said business, if to you it shall seem meet:
Annapolis March 18th 1777.
[J. A. Thomas to Council.]
Mouth of Patuxent 18th March 1777.
Gentmn I had the honour of yours of the 12th instant to day,
In which you notice the several matters which I had taken the
freedom to recommend to you. I mentioned to you the diffi-
culty I was under in getting a horse for any purpose here,
indeed I have been obliged to make use of my own in all
cases except in expresses to Annapolis, but as neither that
nor any other of the matters I have proposed appear to meet
with your approbation, I shall be perfectly satisfied and as
occasions offer will hire expresses (if I can). You mention,
that you had signified to the Committee that the troops under
my command should be stationed at Leonard Town, and sup-
pose that they had communicated to me your resolution,
whether they ever received your resolution I know not, but if
they did I never heard of it. If I had, it would have saved
me and the men much fatigue & trouble, for on the alarms on
the 5th instant I marched them down to the mouth of Patuxent,
and last Thursday on receiving Intelligence that the enemy
were about to land at point look out I marched them down
there. If it is your intention (and from the letter I apprehend
it is) that I must defend that place I shall be extremely happy
in having your positive instructions on the point for if the
Country is invaded, or an invasion is apprehended, I shall be
under great difficulties to excuse myself to the County or the
public in General for keeping my station without such orders,
and as I have always wished to move within the line of my
duty, and as no power is over me but the Council of Safety I
request that you will give me such directions as will hereafter
justify me to the world for any seeming inattention you will
be pleased to observe that Leonard Town lies near twenty
miles from the mouth of Patuxent, and thirty six from Point
Look out, so that if any attempt is made to land at either of
these places, I can be of no use, if stationed at Leonard Town.
And I am positive that tis the opinion of every Gentmn in the
County that the troops should be stationed at or near the
mouth of Patuxent and Potomack but be that as it may, as
soon as I am informed of your determinations whatever they