[Council to Hugh Young.]
March 19th 1777
Sir. The goods that belong to this State shipped by Mr
Harrison on board the Liberty Capt Jones and Landed in Vir-
ginia we request you would order to Annapolis the Packages
are marked as below. But should any of them belong to Mr
McCreary and yourself we desire to have the offer of them
especially cloathing for Soldiers before they are sold.
We are &c
M No 1, 2 2 Barrs.
MC No 1 @ 12 4 Hhds & 8 Bales
[Memorial of John McFadon.]
To the Honble the Council of Safety of the State of Mary-
The memorial of John McFadon of Baltimore Town Humbly
sheweth, That your memorialist has during the winter season
been here every two weeks with woolens to your honours,
owing to his small stock of cash in hand, & only charged at
the rate of 2s p Ct for transacting the business. Your
memorialist therefore requests that your Honours will please