C. S. C.
[Campbell to Jenifer.]
Baltimore 7th March 1777
Danl of St Thomas Jenifer Esqr
I have to inform your board that I returned yesterday from
a Cruize down the Bay & Sound and would have called at
your Port, but was confined to bed by the plurisie of which
two of my people died and many more are bad I Rec" two
letters from Genl Smallwood acquainting me that he had
apprehended all the persons excepted from the Benefit of the
Proclamation except one Callallo and one Thomas Moor he
sent a party to the Tangiers and Required me to search the
Islands between the Tangiers and Hoopers Streights and
secure the bodies of Certain persons Agreeable to a list he
sent me, I was known to be about the Sound and the Island-
ers were so much afraid that I had no chance of succeeding I
therefore Arm'd a small Sloop and sent her with Twenty men
on that Business Callalo and one Mezeck who had been on
board most of last Somer went on bd the Phenix before she
went down the Bay, all the others had fled and taken Shelter
in the Morasses on the aproach of our people except Levin
Evans, Genl Smallwood writes to me that he is a notorious
offender I brought him up and delivered him to Capt N. Smith,
to be dispos'd of as the executive power may think right. I
sent Genl Smallwood's letters to Congress as they Contained
all the inteligence of maters Below that I was able to procure,
when I was down I saw none of the enemies ships but was
informed the Phenix lay of Willowby's Point and the other
two had gone to Sea, I wrote to Genl Smallwood to this pur-
pose, that same day after my express went off inteligence was
Drought me by a Sloop from this place that the Phenix was
above Point Lookout this confirm'd the same evening by a
boat advice of which I sent the General and went out of the
Streights before day to know the truth of the mater but not
finding the ship where she was said to be, and the winds
being southerly I concluded she was gone up the Bay and
Continued in that opinion 'till I saw a Ship at Annapolis
which I conclude was the one taken for the Phenix, some of
the Islanders and some Tories had sent on bd several small
supplies of provisions the ships had no other connexions with
the shore since their being in the Bay except by Flaggs sent
on shore to Virginia Capt. Campbell