That the said Treasurer pay to George Gordon four pounds
for a Gun.
That the said Treasurer pay to Isaac Perkins fifty two
pounds five Shillings and Six pence.
That the said Treasurer pay to Belain Posey Sixteen pounds
three Shillings and Ten pence.
That the said Treasurer pay to Nicholas Maccubbin One
hundred and thirty Nine pounds nineteen Shillings and Eight
Adjourned till next day 10 oClock.
Friday March 7th 1777.
Council met. Present as on yesterday
Ordered That the Western Shore Treasurer pay to John
Bullen One hundred pounds also the further Sum of Ninety
pounds. That the said Treasurer pay to James Barrance two
hundred and Eighty seven pounds nineteen Shillings for the
use of William Johnson.
Adjourned till next day 10 oClock.
C. S. J.
[Samuel Godman to Council.]
Baltimore 7th March 1777.
Honoured Gentlemen. The person who undertook to make
the cloathes for my Company has made about thirty sutes, but
since I was ordered on the E. Shore has declined making any
more, as he informed me you were not willing to allow him a
sufficient price for doing it. He desired me to inform you,
that he would not make them for less than thirty five shillings
p sute, he finding thread and mohair there is not a man in
town, will do it for less, as I have the cloth in town, I should
be glad to know as speedy as possible what I shall do respect-
ing the matter. As this state has not been able to procure
blankets for the troops, I have thought proper to send out my
officers, amongst the good people, house-keepers of this neigh-
bourhood, to see if they would not furnish me with what
blankets they could conveniently spare, as I would wish to
expedite our march, I have done this without yr approbation,
but with respect to the price of those blankets (that may be
collected) I am at a loss, whether you would choose to rest the
matter with me, or limit the price, I should be glad to know,
(if you approve) the cloathing will be speedily done, if you
think proper to pay that price.
I am Honoured Gentlemen yr most Obedt Servt
Saml Godman.
To the Honble The Council of Safety of Md
C. S. C.