At a Councell held at Matapanye the 19th of June 1676.
The Right Honble the Lord Proprietary
Wm Calvert Esqr Principall Secry
The Honble Baker Brooke Esqr Surveyr Genll Councellors
Thomas Taillor Esqr
Then was Mr Henry Coursey Sworne One of his Lopps
Councell and justice of the Provinciall Court
An Ordinance of the Right Honble the Lord Propry of the
Province of Maryland sett forth & Published for the settling
& Establishing of a fferry to be constantly kept over Petuxent
River in Calvert County.
Whereas many Inconveniencyes have & doe daily happen
to divers the Inhabitants of this Province that have Occasion
to travell either on horse back or on foot over Petuxent River
about their lawfull occasions And for that severall Assemblies
have Endeavoured to make a Law for the same, but could
not pitch upon a Person that would willingly undertake the
same that lived conveniently to performe itt Wee doe Authorize
& Impower John Griggs or his Assignes to keep fferry Boats
for to Transport men & horse from his now dwelling house
over the said River of Petuxent to his Plantacon on the other
side, or from thence to his dwelling house aforesaid And to
Aske demand Receive & take for every person he shall Trans-
port either backwards or forwards over the said River the
sume of one shilling And also to aske demand Receive &
take for every horse he shall Transport as aforesaid the like
sume of one shilling or the Value thereof To have hold &
Enjoy the sole priviledge benifitt & Advantage of keeping the
said fferry for Transporting Persons & horses over the said
River as aforesaid during the terme of one yeare. Provided
allwayes that the said John Griggs shall keep a sufficient
Boat or Boats man or men for the doing & pforming the same