and in such places as his Lopp the Lord Propry or his Leivtennt
Generall for the time being shall appoint.
The Oath of ffidelity to be taken by every Officer and
Souldier in the Army, Viz.
I A: B: doe sweare to be true and ffaithfull to his Lopp the
Lord Propry and to his heirs and lawfull Successours and to
be obedient in all things to his Generall or Leivtenant Generall
for the time being and will behave myselfe Obediently towards
my Superiour Officers in all they shall comand me for his
Lopps Service And I doe further sweare that I will be true
faithfull & Obedient Servant & Soldier every way performe-
ing my best endeavours for his Lopps service Obeying all
Orders and Submitting to all such rules and articles of Warr
as are or shall be established by his Lopp or his Generall or
Leivtennt Generall for the time being.
Soe help me God &c.
Whoever shall goe about to entice or perswade either
5thly officer or Soldier to joyne or engage in any traiterous or
rebellious Act either against his Lopps person or Goverment
shall suffer death for it, and whoever shall not reveale to his
Superior Officer such a Conspiracy or intended rebellion so
soon as ever it shall come to his knowledge shall be judged
equally guilty with the Contrivers of such plott or conspiracy
and consequently shall suffer the same penalty.
Whosoever shall presume to violate his Lopps Safe
guard, safe Conduct or protection (Knowing the same)
shall suffer death or such other punishment as shall be inflicted
on him by his Lopps Generall Court Marshall.
If any Officer or Soldier shall behave himselfe disre-
7thly spectfully towards his Lopps Generall Leivtenant Generall
or other Cheife Comander of the Army or speake words tend-
ing to his hurt or dishonour he shall be punished according to
the nature & quality of the Offence by the judgment of his
Lopps Generall Court Marshall
He who shall in the prsence of his Lopps Leivtenent Gen-
erall or other Comander in Cheife draw his sword with a
purpose to doe any Officer or any of his fellow Souldiers a
mischeife shall suffer such punishment as a Court Marshall
shall thinke fitt to inflict upon him for his said Offence.
Whoever shall presume to violate any Safe Conduct or
9thly protection given by his Lopps Generall Leivtenant Gen-
erall or Other Comander in Cheife of his Lopps fforces (Know-
ing the same) shall suffer death or such other punishment as
shall be inflicted on him by his Lopps General Court Marshall.