Proceedings of the Council of Maryland, 1675-1676. 77
vention of the great damage which must otherwise fall upon
Capt Pery His Lordshipp would be pleased to Order him the
said Christopher Rousby or some other person whom his Lopp
Lib. R. R
shall thinke fitt to act as Attorny of the said Capt Pery at least
so farr as to Shipp his tobacco for him he haveing received
none these foure yeares And that he the said Christopher or
such other person as his Lopp shall nominate may for so doeing
be indemnified.
It is the judgment and Opinion of his Lopp and Council here
this day that Mr Christopher Rousby is sufficiently impowered
to manage the affaire of Capt Richard Pery in this Province
for the preservation of his estate according to the instructions
of Capt Richard Pery to Mr John Gould by his letter beareing
date at London the 14th of 9ber 1674 & Mr Goulds will.
June the 6th 1676.
p 60
Comission for the peace in Somersett County then issued to
Wm Stevens
Wm Colebourne
James Jones
Gent. of the Quorum
John White
Thomas Walker
George Johnson
John Winder
Charles Ballard
David Browne
James Dasheild
Wm Jones Gent. justices
ffrancis Jenkins
Wm Brereton
Roger Woolford
Wm Ennis
Eodem die
Comission for the Peace in Cecill County issued to
Augustine Herman
Jonathan Sibrey Gent. of the Quorum
Joseph Hopkins
James ffrisby
Nathaniel Styles
Wm Toulson Gent. justices
Wm Perse
Nathaniel Garrett