[Proclamation of the accession of Charles, Lord Baltimore.]
By the Right Honble Charles Lord Baron of Baltemore Lord
and Proprietary of the Province of Maryland
ch. balte- fforasmuch as certaine advice and information is
more lately given Out of England that the Right Honble
Cecilius Lord Baron of Baltemore Lord and Proprietary of the
Provinces of Maryland and Avalon departed this life the
thirtith of November last past By whose death the interest in
right to this Province of Maryland and Goverment thereof
doth undoubtedly devolve upon his Only Sonn and heire the
Right Honble Charles Calvert Esqr late Governour and now
Lord Baron of Baltemore Lord and Proprietary of the same.
And fforasmuch likewise by the death of the said Proprietary
all Comissions of what nature or kind soever as also all writts
precepts & processe at Law formerly granted in his name doe
imediately cease and the late Goverment under him wholly
determined To the end therefore that all due Obedience be
yeilded and paid unto the Right Honble Charles Calvert now
Lord Baron of Baltemore as Lord & Propry of Maryland and
that all such Comissions writts precepts and processe at Lawe
as aforesaid may not become utterly void and remaine unexe-
cuted It is hereby Ordered that all Sheriffs of the severall &
respective Countyes of this Province of Maryland upon sight
hereof cause publique Proclamation to be made in their
respective Countyes That the said Charles Calvert now Lord
Baron of Baltemore is the true and absolute Lord & Proprie-
tary of this province of Maryland And that it is Our will and
pleasure that all Comissions writts precepts and processe at
Law as aforesaid be and are hereby continued in the same
former force and authority as in them was expressed and
intended And that all Officers both Civil & Military as also all
other the good people of this province hereby are required to
take notice and that all due Obedience be given hereunto
Given at Mattapeny this fourth day of March Anno Domini
The like Proclamation issued under his Lopps hand & the
great Seale of this province to the severall & respective
Sheriffs within this province
[Commission to Justices.]