416 Proceedings of the Council of Maryland, 1678-1681.
Lib. R.
Warfield and at one Guy MeekeSts house, who sett in over
Seavern River.
You say you staied but five daies, where was Robin Hood
when yu came back ?
Ind: Where we left him, had made two Canooes and sold
them to one Dr Longmar and another English man liveing
neere John Watkins.
Well where did you goe then ?
Ind. Then we went up to the head of Road River, hall'd
up our Canooe at an English house (his name he did not
remember) left with him our matchcoates, axes, & Skinns and
soe went on hunting where I had been before.
Did you goe again to the English mens houses?
Ind. Yes we were at Richard Snowdens, Henry Ridgelys,
Richard Warfields and borrowed Guy Meekes boate to goe
over Seavern River.
How long Did you Stay this time?
Ind: About 5 or 6 Dayes, wee were to have made Canooes
for those English men, but when we come back, they told us
we must begone, for they heard some Englishmen were killed
at Pottuxen.
Well what did you doe then ?
Ind: We came back to John Watkins and he told us we
must not stay at his house, soe we came presently over the
How many of you came back againe ?
Ind: Eight of us 4 Choptank Indians and 4 Mattapanays
What became of the rest ? Ind. they went to Pascattoway
Where did you putt a shore first on this side the Bay ?
Ind. In Choptank Creeke by Coll Lowes.
How many dayes were you abroad in all ?
Ind. About ffifteene or Sixteene dayes
Which way did the Pascattoway Indians goe home ?
Ind. they went through the woods
are you sure they did not goe by water ?
Ind. they had noe Canooe to goe by water
Doe you know or heare of any other party of Indians either
Choptank or Nantecokes that went over the Bay any time this
Ind: Noe none that I know or heard of
Did you never heare the Indians discourseing who it might
be that killed the English men?
p. 233
Ind. Yes they think it is the Sinniquos and Susquehan-
The Sinniquos doe not vse to come downe that way where
those men were killed it cannot be them