severall persons are already seated within the limitations
hereafter mentioned and aswell for the preservation of the
peace in that part of the province as for the ease and benefitt
of the Inhabitants there or which shall hereafter inhabite there
I doe hereby declare & publish that from the mouth of the
Susquehanough River and so downe the easterne side of
Chesepeake Bay to Swan point and from thence to Hell point
and so up Chester River to the head thereof is hereby erected
into a County and called by the name of Cecill County. And
I doe hereby further declare that the Southerne bounds of
Baltemore County be the South side of Potapsco River and
from the highest plantation, on that side of the River due
south two miles into the woods And that the north side of
Petuxent River begining at the north side of Lynns Creeke
be adjoyned to Ann Arrundell County And that the Sheriffs
of the severall respective Countyes of Cecill, Baltemore, Ann
Arrundell and Calvert make proclamation hereof in their said
Countyes respectively and imediately after proclamation
Coppy hereof affix at the Court house doore of their respect-
ive Countyes In wittnes whereof I have hereunto sett my hand
and caused the lesser Seale of this province to be hereunto
affixed the sixth day of June in the 42th yeare of the Dominion
of Cecilius &c Annoq Dom. 1674
Charles Calvert
To Nathaniel Stiles High Sheriff
of Cecill County.
Like Proclamation then issued to Samuel Boston High
Sheriff of Baltemore County.
Like Proclamation then issued to Henry Stockett High
Sheriff of Ann Arundell County
Like Proclamation then issued to Christopher Rousby High
Sheriff of Calvert County
Know all men by these presents That I John Quigley of
the Citty of St Maries in the Province of Maryland merchant
doe confesse & acknowledge my Selfe to Owe and stand
p. 30