cheife Governour of this Province for the time being or vnto
the deputy or deputyes of such Leiftennet Genll or Cheife
Governour or vnto his said Lopps Privy Councill of this Prov-
ince for the time being. And I doe further sweare, that I will
in all things and vpon all occasions doe right & justice to all
manner of people Rich and poore according to the Lawes and
vsages of this Province and the vttmost of my Skill and
Judgmt without favor or affection hatred or malice to any
pson or psons whatsoever, and I will in all things to the
vttmost of my power, observe performe maintaine and Keepe
and pcure to be observed performed maintained and Kept in
all things One certaine act of Assembly made in the nine-
teenth yeare of his said Lordshipps Dominion Over this Prov-
ince entituled An Act concerning Religion and all & Every
the articles and clauses therein contained wthout doeing or
willfully consenting vnto or countenanceing the doeing of any
act or thing which may directly or Indirectly tend to the
infringing or violateing the same or any part thereof
So help me God and by the Contents
of this Booke
June 4th 1674.
Comission for the Peace in Calvert County then issued to
Major Thomas Brooke
Thomas Sprigg Gent of the Quorum
ffrancis Swanstone
Roger Brooke
William Groome
Edward Keene
Tobias Norton Gent Justices
Cuthbert ffenwick
John Gittings
Richard Ladd
Robert High
John Darnelll Clerke ut est in lib Consil
H: H: fol 246 mutatis mutandis
June 4th 1674
Comission for the peace in Ann Arundell County then
issued to
William Burges
Robert Burle Gent of the Quorum
Samuel Lane
John Homwood