276 Proceedings of the Council of Maryland, 1678-1679.
Lib R. K.
dred seaventy six wch for divers consideracons us thereunto
moveing. Wee did by seaverall prorogacons continue and
prorogue the same untill the twentieth day of October then
next ffollowing, wch said Assembly the fifteenth day of Novem-
ber then next following wee did prorogue untill the second
Tuesday in May then next following, wch upon the fourteenth
day of March then next ffollowing wee did prorogue untill the
last Tuesday in Septembr last past wch upon the sixteenth day
of August last past wee did prorogue untill the thirteenth day
of Aprill wch shall bee in the yeare of our Lord god one thou-
sand six hundred and eighty, Wch said thirteenth day of Aprill
On wch the said Generall Assembly should sitt, being now
neare att hand and noe urgent occasions or affaires Relateing
p. 175
to the State or welfare of this our Province appeareing for
the convening & sitting of our said Generall Assembly on the
said thirteenth day of Aprill Wee have by and with the
advice and Consent of our Councell Determined and
ordained, And wee doe hereby ffully Resolve determine and
ordaine that the said Generall Assembly bee prorogued untill
the Seaventh day of September wch shall bee in the yeare of
Our Lord god One thousand six hundred and eighty. And
wee doe hereby will and requite as alsoe strictly charge and
command all and Singular the Sheriffes of this our Province,
forthwith upon receipt hereof to make Proclamation hereof in
the most Convenient places wth in theire respective Countyes,
and to give notice to all and singular the Delegates and
Deputyes by the freemen of theire County already elected or
for that purpose to bee elected, that all excuses sett a part
they and every of the said Delegates Come & personally
appeare at the said Citty of St Maryes on the said seaventh
day of September wch shall bee in the yeare of our Lord god
one thousand six hundred and eighty, to doe and consent to
those things wch then and there by the favor of god shall
happen to bee ordained by us by and with the advice and con-
sent of our greate Councell of this our Province concerning
the state and welfare of this our Province, And alsoe to give
notice to such of our Concell as inhabitt within theire respec-
tive Countyes that all excuses sett a part they also bee and
appeare at the day and place aforesaid to the end and pur-
pose aforesaid. Given at our Citty of St Maryes under the
greate seale of our said Province of Maryland the three and
twentieth day of March in the ffifth yeare of our Dominion &c
Annoq Domini One thousand six hundred seaventy nine
Lib. R
p. 104
At a Councill held at Notley Hall the 31th of March in the
5th yeare of the Dominion of the Rtt Honble Charles &ca
Annoq Domini 1680