At a Councill held at St Peters the 14th Day of ffebry 1679 :
Being then present
The Rtt Honble the Lord Propry
Philip Calvert Esqr Chancelor
The Honble Vincent Lowe Esqr Surveyr Genll
Coll. Benjamin Rozer Esqr
Ltt Coll. Henry Darnall
Ordered that the Sher. of St Maries County take into his
Custody Beaumont and him Safe keepe untill such time as he
shall give good security for his good behavior and for his
appeareance at the next Provll Court to answer unto such
matters and things as shall be alledged agt him by the Comrs
of Anne Arrundell County Signed p ordr
To the Sher. of St Maries County J Ll. Cl. Consil.
or his Deputy This.
Proposed by his Lspp: to the Councill what answer to give
to the Pascattoway Indians to some.proposalls of theirs made
upon their late addresses to his Lspp: concerning their security
and Defence from fforreigne Indians. It is thereupon advised
and concluded on by his Lspp: and the Councill that Coll. Ben-
jamin Rozer with the advice and assistance of such and soe
many able men of his County as himself shall think fitt, be
and he is hereby empowered and fully Authorised to call
before him the said Indians and treat with them concerning
the premisses, and withall to acquaint them that it is the
opinion of his Lspp; and the Councill that all the neighbouring
Indians unite themselves to One place, and that Pascattoway is
the most Convenient place for that purpose. Coll Rozer to
transmitt his proceedings herein unto his Lspp: and the Coun-
cell with all expedition.
Severall Complaints agt Raymond Stapleford Gentl one of
his Lspps Justices of the peace for Dorchester County being
made to his Lspp: and the Councill by some of the Inhabitants
thereof. Precept was given to the Sher. of the same com-
manding him to give notice to the said Stapleford that he
was dismissed from serving his Lssp: in that Capacity (viz)